Wool Yarn with Stitches

I used a 1 ply wool yarn with machine stitches, to create this openwork and unruly lace. A very different feel is achieved when using wool rather than cotton or polyester thread. I always think that wool creates an even more pronounced ‘home-made’ appearance and a more ‘folky’ character. This 1 ply, which I picked up for next-to-nothing, is one of my favourite materials because of it’s behaviour. I love how it kinks and twists! Sometimes the most unlikely materials are the most fascinating and whatever it is that intrigues us, is instrumental in creating our own personal style. However, that being said for this current work, I won’t actually be using the wool as I am pursuing a more delicate look.

As a project evolves, the senses attune more and more sensitivity to the qualities being created, and the result becomes more and more refined, as perfection is aimed for. This elevates the work. In the experimental stage I am not fussy about colours, exact textures and composition, but rather I am deliberately open-minded to allow room for those vital ‘happy accidents’ to occur.

I am now starting to become more discriminate in my choices with the goal of more precision in expressing my vision. This ‘vision’ is unknown even to me as it makes itself known little bit by little and unfurls gradually.

Often I feel lost and I have to go forward even when I hate what I am doing; so much of creating is about faith in something growing invisibly, something initially intangible. It can be lonely and feel disillusioning, but then the light breaks through and then it is exhilarating!

Threads, Organza and Machine Embroidery

Small snippets of organza add a subtle addition to the tangled appearance of threads with machine embroidery.

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